About Muneeb Omair
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Muneeb Omair contributed 6 entries already.
Entries by Muneeb Omair
Four seasons of Kashmir
Spring is a start,
Summer is harvest,
Autumn is a fall,
Winter is a pause.
Kashmiri Handicrafts
“Agar firdous baroye zameen ast, hami asto, hami asto hami ast” – Amir-e-Khusru Dehluvi
(If there is paradise on earth, It is here, it is here, it is here)”.
Kashmir a Paradise on Earth and a place of serenity, simplicity and natural beauty.
Wildlife, its Values and Conservation
The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on the endless interaction among animals, plants and microorganisms. Wildlife should “thrive” so that we can “survive”. A famous Kashmiri saint (Shaikh ul Alam) has said,
“Ann Poshi Teli Yeli Wann Poshi (meaning – Food lasts as long as forests last)”.
Jhelum the river of Kashmir
Ches behith adris beithis Jhelumus (I sit here on the banks of the river); Kadlay taar dei Na Kahn Jhelumus (Will someone help me cross?); Naaive hundh paile chu aaivul Jhelumus (My boat is fragile); Khotsan ches naaive manz Jhelumus (And I fear to cross alone) “Songwriter; Mhd. Muneem Nazir”
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Email: info(at)kashmirtreks.com